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About John Swanepoel

Hi and thank you, for taking the time to visit my site. Over the past 27 years I have had the privilege of studying and working with many exceptionally talented and knowledgeable people, many of whom have had a profound effect on my life. The help and support I have received over the years has allowed me to develop and grow my practice. I feel deeply privileged to work with so many people who continue to allow me to contribute to their lives. To each and every patient and every teacher, thank you with my sincerest gratitude.   


I began my journey in health care as a Physiotherapist and soon after graduating I studied Acupuncture. In 2005 I continued my studies in alternative medicine when I discovered the Bodytalk System which has enabled me to extend my scope of practice to include animals as well as people.


In 2013 I completed my post graduate level studies with the PaRama Bodytalk College.

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How John Works With PaRama Bodytalk

BodyTalk System

John uses the Bodytalk System as his main modality from his clinic in Tauranga. Bodytalk works on the principle that daily and past stresses such as toxins, emotional and physical traumas impact on our bodies own ability to heal properly.


Today the health professions are labelling this kind of approach as Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology, Epigentics and Psych-Neuro-Immunology. The PaRama Bodytalk System includes all aspects of these disciplines. When stressed out bodies become less efficient, body parts and body systems lose their ability to communicate and synchronise their functions, resulting in pain and disease.

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Attending BodyTalk Sessions in Person.

The Personal Touch

During a session John uses muscle testing and a series of questions to “ask” your body which parts are not functioning correctly or are out of balance with the rest of the body. Once these areas have been pinpointed, John uses a combination of gentle touch on specific points on the body and tapping over the head and heart to bring enhanced awareness to the affected parts. Tapping over the head alerts and switches on the brain to the problem and tapping over the heart stores the changes that have been made. Your body uses this new information to initiate its own healing processes. Some people experience almost instant improvements in their health and pain levels, others have a slower recovery, depending on the illness and the person. Bodytalk works with the miracle of the healing power of your body rather than just covering up symptoms. This means health changes will be long term and usually your health continues to improve over time.

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Helping Family Members Overseas Using BodyTalk from Tauranga. 

Surrogate and Remote BodyTalk from Tauranga.

Working Remotely Enables John To Treat Patients Worldwide.

There are two forms of remote treatments the John uses. These are called Surrogate and Remote sessions. During both types of session John uses remote viewing techniques to conduct the treatment session. Each session is digitally recorded and emailed to the patient as soon as it is completed. To learn the foundations of the remote viewing technique John uses, see his book "Live A Life That Is Limitless".


Surrogate BodyTalk Sessions from Tauranga:

In the case of a surrogate session, John works through a close friend or family member who is attending the clinic for the sole reason of acting as a physical connection to the person receiving the treatment. Surrogate sessions are often used by family members who would like to contribute to a relatives recovery. In cases where a patient is terminally ill, surrogate sessions have proved very effective in calming their loved one and easing an stress of discomfort through their final hours. 


Remote Bodytalk Sessions from Tauranga:

During remote treatment sessions John uses a combination of references such as photographs, date of birth, phone numbers or the address of the patient. These important reference points  along with information submitted by the patient via the online medical intake form are used with his remote viewing techniques to treat the patient.

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BodyTalk in Tauranga For Animals

Horses, Cats and Dogs

The safety and comfort of the animal, owner and practitioner is a fundamental principle when working with animals. All animals come with a unique role within a family matrix. BodyTalk recognises every individual has specific genetic characteristics with unique anatomical, physiological and emotional make-up and a distinct set of life experiences. John will always seek permission from both the owner and the animal before commencing  a Bodytalk session. Most animals don't stay stationary during a Bodytalk Session. Animals have an instinctual understanding of the importance physical movement is to help process and integrate changes that are happening in their bodies. John conducts his Bodytalk sessions from a short distance away to allow the animal to move freely or may use the owner as a surrogate. Horses should be untethered and comfortable in their surroundings ideally in a large spacious stable, or small courtyard or paddock. John has a large comfortable room at his practice to receive cats and dogs.  


BodyTalk sessions for an animal, balances the general bodymind energy of the animal and very effective for emotionally based illnesses typically unaddressed through veterinary care. BodyTalk is meant to be a COMPLIMENTARY practice to veterinary care and not a replacement. A BodyTalk practitioner does not diagnose or prescribe for the animal. BodyTalk has been found to help horses and other animals recover from the problems mentioned below. 


Before a session you will be directed to the Animal Medical Intake Form. John will need to know some important information before he starts. Some of the questions will include: 

  • What are the presenting issues? 

  • What is the breed of your animal?

  • How does your animal react when meeting new people? 

  • How does your animal react towards the vet or groomer? 

  • Has your animal ever bitten/kicked anyone? 

  • If so what were the circumstances he/she break skin/cause serious injury? 

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Frequently Asked Questions


A Bodytalk practitioner is a Psycho-Neuro-Immunologist (PNI).  This is a study of how our psychological and emotional state affects our immune and nervous system. The PaRama Bodytalk System has the advantage of being able to expand exploration to all systems of the body that my be affected by emotional and psychological stresses. A simple example would be back pain. Back pain is usually a musculoskeletal injury not associated with immune problems. There will always be an emotional/psychological component to any pathology - back pain, cancer, headaches, anxiety etc. Bodytalk taps into the subconscious mind through biofeedback/muscle testing techniques. This enables the practitioner to uncover the underlying emotional and psychological stresses contributing to a patient's problem. Once this has been achieved healing can happen very quickly. To find out more read the 'How John Works' page here.


Before your first appointment you will need to have filled out this medical intake form with as much detail as possible. If you have a copy of your medical notes please attach them to the intake form by clicking the "from your computer" button at the top of the form. Alternatively you can bring any relevant paperwork with you.


Once you have chosen your appointment type you will notice the calendar timings are set a 45 minute increments. Most PaRama Body Talk Sessions last approximately 30 minutes. There are occasions when a little more time is needed so you will always have the flexibility of the extra 15 minutes should you need it at no extra cost. A session is a session no matter how long it lasts.


Good question, impossible to answer. You will be used to being examined and given a diagnosis for your problem. You are then told what intervention you will need, and how long you will take to heal. Bodytalk doesn't work this way. Because we use muscle testing through the session, at the end of your session I will ask your body if it needs another session and when the ideal time in days will be. Everyone is different. Saying that it is rare that someone asks to come back in less than five days or more than 30. If your body says No to another session you have done all you need to recover. 


​For local patients in New Zealand John accepts cash or E Transfer to his Kiwibank Account. For overseas patients  he will invoice you via Paypal in the currency of the country you live. Paypal invoices include a 4.9% card processing fee.  


Bodytalk sessions are conducted fully clothed. If you have a lower limb, back, hip or pelvic injury that will need to be assessed you can bring a pair of shorts to change into before your session. You may need to dress down to your underwear should you need acupuncture. Women should avoid wearing under wired bras and heavy jewellery.  These items can disrupt a Bodytalk Session which could affect the results.


No. However, if you are seeing me for a health reason, with your permission, there can be close liaison with medical staff. As a registered practitioner it is usually appropriate for some medical reports to be made available to me if necessary. I can provide a report about your treatment to the doctors involved if requested by you.


I welcome informal enquires about the services I provide and am always happy to discuss any individual requirements. A brief telephone conversation outlining your problem will enable me to plan the appropriate course of action.


The best thing to do is contact John directly.  You can then discuss the approach that best suits you and your horse. 


Contact John direct via email or txt. This is will enable John to assess the least stressful approach for treating your pet.

Still have questions? Send John a message, he will get back to you ASAP.


John Swanepoel | BodyTalk Tauranga  

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